Esquire Magazine : Home Is Where The Tumi Is

Covered | 18 October 2013

It is this era of travel that Tumi seeks to channel with its Autumn 2013 collection—a time when travelling was less of a necessity and more of a privilege. It was exciting, elegant and an indication that one had truly arrived. Glamour has given way to comfort, sophistication for ease, and luxury for security. Whether we like it or not, we can no longer remain within the borders of our country for our entire life; and when we do book a passage abroad, convenience is now the overriding consideration. Can we reconcile both yearnings? Can we recapture the art and the magic of travel without compromising on our modern, fast-paced lifestyle and its demands? The Tumi Men’s Autumn 2013 collection has achieved just that, with all the male travellers out there in mind who value the experience of the journey as much as they do style.


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